
Showing posts from July, 2018

Tomato Juice - Health Benefits

Natural tomato juice is known to be a superfood owing to its mineral and vitamin content. It possesses vital nutrients such as vitamin K, vitamin B5, B1, B6, B2, B5, B3, vitamin A, iron, magnesium and phosphorous. These minerals and vitamins have been scientifically proven to have health and beauty benefits. Consuming a glass of raw tomato juice is all one needs to remain healthy and fit. Health benefits of raw tomato juice: Source of vitamin C and A : Tomato Juice is a very rich source of Vitamin A and C. which helps in improving vision, maintaining a healthy immune system, maintaining the health of the bones and the teeth etc. Prevents cholestero l: Helps in preventing high cholesterol. Rich in fiber, it can successfully break down the LDL in the body. It is also a powerhouse of Vitamin B3 and niacin which are  vital components of cholesterol stabilization. Helps in weight loss : Tomato juice is a very good source of hydration. Owing to its high fiber content and reduced sodi

Sweet potato - Interesting health benefits

Sweet potatoes are, in fact, a great source of vitamin C.Vitamin C is important  for the formation of teeth and bone.Vitamin C enhances the body s ability to repair a wound and  maintain the tautness of the skin. Sweet potatoes have a high concentration of beta-carotene, which is  a precursor of vitamin A. Carotenoids are antioxidants that rejuvenate the body and help ward off all kinds of cancers. People who consumed foods high in carotenoids  had a 32 percent lesser risk of being diagnosed with lung cancer  and breast cancer . Both of these Vitamin A and C are crucial for the proper functioning of the body. By consuming just 30 gms of sweet potatoes each day, you ensure that the body gets the amount of vitamin A required to stay healthy. Sweet potato includes a great concentration of iron, which when ingested can greatly profit the human body. Iron is the base for Hemoglobin and is crucial for maintaining a proper blood circulatory system. A regular consumer of the vegetable wi

Health Effects of Sleeping posture

Have you ever considered the importance of your sleeping posture? You may or  may not have a preference, but your sleeping posture can directly affect your  health. On Your Back, Arms at Sides Sleeping on your back with your arms at your side is generally considered to be the best sleeping position  for spine health and it’s good for your neck, too, as long as you don’t use too many pillows.Back sleepers tend to snore more than those in any other position and sleep apnea is  strongly associated with sleeping on the back. On Your Back, Arms Up “Starfish” position is also good for the back. Whether you have your arms up around your pillow or not, sleeping on your back may also help to prevent facial wrinkles and skin breakouts. However, like the arms-down back sleeping position, this one can also result in snoring and  problems with acid reflux. Plus, having your arms up can put pressure on nerves in your shoulders, leading to pain. Face Down Sleeping on your st

Does Sleeping Directions Effect our Health

Sleep is to take the rest afforded by a suspension of voluntary bodily functions and the natural suspension, complete or partial, of consciousness; cease being awake. Physiologically, sleep is a complex process of restoration and renewal for the body. Have you ever considered the importance of your sleeping directions? You may or may not have a preference, but your sleeping directions can directly affect your health. As per Ayurveda and astrology science sleeping directions effects your health. Scientific Reason: Our planet has a magnetic pole stretched from north to south with the positive pole at the north and the negative pole at the south. Our body too have a similar magnetic stretch with the positive pole at the head and the negative one at the feet. We all know that like poles repel and unlike poles attract not only scientific but also in social spheres.  The direction your head faces while sleeping has a strong effect on your physical and mental well-being. Head p

Never Consume Empty Stomach

Foods are very much related to time and the physics of our body can agree with them only if they are taken for a certain period. For instance, there are some foods that are beneficial to us, but can actually work in a negative way, if taken at a wrong time.T here are some foods that should never be taken on an empty stomach. Tomatoes : Tomatoes are full of vitamins and antioxidants and a healthy food but when eaten on an empty stomach, these ingredients combine with acidic nature of our stomach and can result in stomach block. They put unnecessary pressure on the stomach and can cause stomach ache. This can be dangerous for people who are already suffering from ulcers. Citrus Fruits : Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and lemons are high in vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants, they may irritate your stomach when taken first thing in the morning. The oesophagus lining of your stomach gets enlarged when there is no food to digest and taking these fruits can directly enlarge th

Junk Food Diet - U R Health Enemy

Consumption of junk and oily food  can lead to certain grave consequences. Causes Diabetes - Diabetes is one of the most common health issue affecting people from all age groups, diabetes has assumed almost an epidemic stature. Junk food consumption is one of the most blaring causes of diabetes. These kind of foods are not only deficient in fibers but also the heavy oil content of the junk food misbalances your metabolism and spurs off other medical conditions like obesity. Increases the chances of digestive malfunctions - Junk foods are brimming with fats, they are most suited to disrupt the normalcy in the process of digestion. As they get deposited on the linings of the stomach walls, the production of acid gets increased, leading to diseases like GERD and IBS. Causes kidney Diseases - Most junk foods contain finely processed salts which stimulate enzymes, which turn disrupt the salt balance in your body. This results in a situation of hypertension in the body and affects the

Fiber-Rich Foods to be Consumed Everyday!

Fiber is crucial for proper digestion and 85 % immunity of the human body is due to digestion alone.  F iber foods help to guard against cancer, heart disease, kidney stones, PMS, obesity and diabetes . The modern foods have left millions worldwide with  fiber  deficiency. There are two forms of Fiber comes  -  soluble and insoluble .   Soluble fiber turns into a gel in the stomach, slowing digestion, which helps lower cholesterol and blood sugar .  Insoluble fiber remains untouched all the way to the large intestine aiding in proper evacuation of the GI tract . Since fiber is never absorbed into the body, you have to eat sufficient quantities of it every day. Experts suggest that you need 25-38 gm of fiber daily .  High- fiber foods Legumes  Legumes  like split peas or ‘dals’: has fibre content - 16.3 gm per cup. Split peas are full of proteins and fiber. Lentils Lentils like quinoa has fibre content -  15.6 gm per cup. They are also a good source of protein, iron, fol

Alcoholic Drinks - A Secret to Good Health

Alcholic drink is it harmful or beneficial to the body. It is partly true. Alcholic drink in huge proportions is harmful to the body, but in small proportions only good for health. Beer : The most common alcoholic drink, beer is loaded with antioxidants called phenols. This protects you against suffering from heart diseases. Beer also lowers the risk of acquiring high blood pressure and helps maintaining it. Red Wine : Its a classy drink and has the same benefits of beer, the additional brownie points of red wine is that it helps in increasing life span by generating longevity genes. It also increases good cholesterol and reduces bad cholesterol in the body. Ethanol : Ethanol reduces the risk of wear and tear in the brain neurons. Any damage to the neurons may lead to Alzheimer's or dementia. Hence ethanol helps to prevent any harm to the brain cells. Vodka : Vodka helps in clearing bad breath as the high alcohol content kills all bad odour bacteria present. It also he

Reheating of food- Dangerous to body

Yummy delicious food definitely has the potential to satisfy the taste buds especially when served hot.Most of the time we reheat the food, before eating but sometimes it can be a highly unhealthy practice for certain foods.  Mushrooms : Mushrooms enhances the taste of any food. A common practice is the leftovers are stored aside to be savored later. This practice can cost you dearly. Mushrooms are a rich source of protein. On reheating, some of the proteins break drown, which not only changes the flavor of the food but also produces certain toxins. These toxins can lead to upset stomach and digestive problems. Eating reheated mushroom repeatedly can even result in cardiac problems. Chicken : It is an excellent source of protein and reheating it will produce toxins, which can result in health complications such as digestive problems.  Celery and spinach : Spinach and celery are both commonly used in soups and are rich in nitrates. On reheating the soup  the nitrates present i

Upeeled cucumber - Benefits

Cucumber , scientific name Cucumis sativus, belonging to the plant family Cucurbitaceae, has been a winner from the word go. From hunger pangs to  skin care , cucumber has never disappointed. While most of the people consider it a healthy practice to have the cucumber peeled before eating, the truth is just the opposite. The health benefits of unpeeled cucumber are beyond imagination.  Keep constipation and related problems at bay : If constipation has been giving you sleepless night, worry no more! The answer to all your problems lies in unpeeled cucumber. The cucumber peel is laden with insoluble fiber that goes a long way to improve the conditions of constipation and associated discomfort. For those with hardened stool, the inner part of the cucumber comes as a great relief. A rich source of soluble fiber, it works towards softening the stool. All in all, the unpeeled cucumber aids in preventing digestive and bowel related problems. An unpeeled cucumber a day keeps the ophthal

Drumsticks - A Boon in disguise

Moringa oleifera  commonly  known as  drumsticks  mainly , used in the preparation of a variety of cuisines and delicacies, specially in India.Leaves, flowers, seeds , drumsticks   almost every part of Moringa or drumstick tree are edible and comes with health benefits. Benefits of drumstick seeds The drumstick seeds are a rich source of Vitamins (A, B-complex and C) and antioxidants and play a pivotal role shielding the body from the harmful oxidative effects of the free radicals. The seeds are also known for their anticarcinogenic properties. The drumstick seeds contain Oleic Acid which is a Good Cholesterol that keeps the heart hale and hearty. People dealing with acne, acne scars, fine lines, can achieve fruitful results using oil extracted from the drumstick seeds, keeping the skin young and healthy. The drumstick seeds are an excellent source of Zinc (known to promote healthy sperm production) and Iron (an ideal option for people with low hemoglobin or anemia). Benefi

Yoga the health fitness Guru

Yoga the health fitness Guru YOGA   FOR ALL And for EVERYONE  What Is Yoga? ‘yoga’ actually means union. It is a practice that connects the body, mind, and spirit through different body postures, meditation, and controlled breathing. What Are The Benefits Of Yoga?  Yoga is a guru , a doctor which can heal our mind , body in 360 degrees  Internal Health Benefits Enhances blood Circulation resulting in better transportation of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. Controlled Blood Pressure yoga oxygenates the body which helps in controlling Blood pressure , maintains the pulse by reducing the strain and relaxing the body resulting in higher cardiovascular endurance Strengthening Lungs  Yoga involves a whole lot of controlled breathing which strengthens lungs and allowing them to work more efficiently. Stimulation Of Organs –  yoga massages the internal organs resulting in increased resistance power and makes body more immune Improvises Gastrointest