Yoga the health fitness Guru

Yoga the health fitness Guru


 What Is Yoga?

‘yoga’ actually means union. It is a practice that connects the body, mind, and spirit through different body postures, meditation, and controlled breathing.

What Are The Benefits Of Yoga?

 Yoga is a guru , a doctor which can heal our mind , body in 360 degrees

 Internal Health Benefits

  • Enhances blood Circulation resulting in better transportation of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body.
  • Controlled Blood Pressure yoga oxygenates the body which helps in controlling Blood pressure , maintains the pulse by reducing the strain and relaxing the body resulting in higher cardiovascular endurance
  • Strengthening Lungs  Yoga involves a whole lot of controlled breathing which strengthens lungs and allowing them to work more efficiently.
  • Stimulation Of Organs –  yoga massages the internal organs resulting in increased resistance power and makes body more immune
  • Improvises Gastrointestinal Health – Yoga activates and improves digestive system.
  • Higher Levels Of Pain Tolerance – Yoga not only works towards reducing chronic pain, but it also increases the level of pain tolerance.
  • Increased Metabolism –  Yoga keeps the metabolism in check resulting in controlling weight.
  • Renewed Energy – Yoga has ability to rejuvenate mind and body due to which we feel more energetic whole day.
  • Improved Sexuality – Yoga increases your self-confidence and offers complete relaxation and more control. This gives your sexuality a much-needed boost.
  • Sleep – Yoga helps you relax your mind completely. It helps you work on unnecessary tensions, thus facilitating better sleep.

External Health Benefits

  • Avoids Premature Aging   – Yoga detoxifies body which helps in delay of aging . Yoga also relieves stress, which is another important factor to beat aging.

  • Improves Posture –  yoga to teaches you how to control your body which  will look both confident and healthy.

  • Maintain Ideal Weight – With an increased or regulated metabolism, and a workout helps to  build lean muscle, yoga can work wonderfully to reduce, increase or maintain your ideal weight.

  • Integrated Function Of The Body –  yoga means unison. Yoga enables your mind  to work in union with your body, and this enhances movement and grace.

  • Increasing Core Strength –  Yoga works on the core and makes it strong, flexible, and very healthy.

The Emotional Health Benefits

Yoga creates a strong connection between the mind and the body, and this enhances your emotional health beautifully.

  • Uplifts Your Mood – Yoga fills body with refreshing energy that uplifts mood almost instantly.
  • Reduces Stress – When you are on the mat, you focus on the practice. This means that all your attention is concentrated on the matter at hand, and your mind slowly drains out the stress and troubles that are plaguing it.

  • Anxiety Management – A combination of feel-good stretches and controlled breathing helps you overcome anxiety.

  • Fights Depression – Yoga enables to release negative energy. This helps to combat depression .

  • Allows Self-Acceptance & Builds Self-Control – Yoga brings about a journey of self-awareness and Yoga improves self-esteem, and you become more confident and the controlled movements teach you how to render that self-control to all the facets of your life.

  • The Benefit Of The Mind-Body Connection – When you coordinate your breath with your movements, your mind becomes calm and peaceful.

  • Brings About A Positive Outlook To Life – With regular practice, many hormones in the nervous system are stabilized. This makes you more positive, and you tend to look at life with a refreshed perspective.

  • Reducing Hostility – The breathing and meditation calm the nervous system, thereby reducing anger and hostility. Less hostility means a lowered blood pressure which  automatically promotes a stress-free and healthier approach to life.

  • Improved Memory and concentration– With enhanced blood circulation in the brain and reduction in stress, your memory is bound to expand and improve concentration and makes brain sharp.

  • Tranquility And Calmness – The breathing and meditation help you disengage from  thoughts and helps to calm down.

Yoga On The Body Chemistry

Yoga works on the chemistry of the body, altering the blood cells, the hormones, the glucose levels and more.Yoga helps in Dropping The Cholesterol ,Enhancing the Lymphatic System .Keeping The Sodium In Check ,Improves Endocrine Functions, Cuts Down The Triglycerides,Boosts Red Blood Cells, Enables better Absorption Of Vitamins

The Benefits Of Yoga As An Exercise

Lowers The Risk Of Injury ,Activates The Parasympathetic Nervous System ,Toning Of The Muscles ,Dominating The Subcortex ,Oxygen-Rich Breathing ,Balances Opposing Muscle Groups,Makes For A Non-Competitive Workout ,Increases Rage Of Motion ,Improves Eye-To-Hand Coordination ,Enhanced Dexterity ,Improves Endurance,Increases The Depth Perception.

Yoga Working Towards Prevention Of Disease

Reduces The Risk Of Heart Diseases ,Lowers The Chances Of Contracting Osteoporosis ,Keeps Alzheimer’s Away ,keeps Type II Diabetes away  .

Yoga For Reducing Or Alleviating Symptoms Of Problems

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – Yoga increases grip strength and helps in reducing the pain for those suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. Patients have seen significant improvement in just a few sessions.
  • Asthma – The coordinated breathing, along with the asanas, helps alleviate asthma.
  • Arthritis – Yoga combines slow movements with gentle pressure on the joints. This works wonders for those suffering from arthritis. Also, yoga relieves the trapped stress in the muscles that increases pressure on the joints.
  • Multiple Sclerosis – Studies prove that yoga helps relieve the dreaded Multiple Sclerosis. Yoga works on the nervous system and improves nerve health, which helps treat the condition.
  • Cancer – Yoga increases  red blood cells count and helps you gain strength. Those fighting cancers can benefit greatly when they combine the practice of yoga with their treatment. Yoga helps tackle stress. It also reduces nausea during chemo and helps deal with the ordeal better. The effects of cancer are significantly reduced with the practice.
  • Muscular Dystrophy – If you practice yoga in the early stages of this disorder, it will help you gain some physical functions. Pranayama also helps to a great extent with this disorder.
  • Migraines – Yoga improves blood circulation. Your head receives a fresh supply of oxygen and nutrients, thereby reducing migraines.
  • Scoliosis – The different poses work on your core and help you straighten your posture. The curvature of the back gradually straightens out and the pain is relieved.
  • Chronic Bronchitis – Yoga works on the respiratory system. The increased levels of oxygen help to treat chronic bronchitis. Yoga also aerates the lungs, giving them renewed energy.
  • Epilepsy – Yoga improves breathing, reduces stress, and restores balance. All of this helps reduce and prevent epileptic seizures.
  • Sciatica – Yoga improves the circulation of blood in the hips, which reduces the pain and cures sciatica.
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder – Yoga reduces the symptoms of OCD, resulting in the lessening of medication.
  • Constipation – Yoga stimulates the digestive system and improves its working. Thus, constipation will be eliminated.
  • Sinusitis And Other Allergies – Yoga and breathing help clear the nasal passage. which  helps reduce sinusitis and eliminate other allergies.
  • Infertility And Menopause – Specific yoga poses work on increasing fertility. They help open up blocks in the fallopian tubes, reduce the symptoms of PCOD, and also enhance the health of the reproductive system. The side effects of menopause are also eliminated.
  • Back Pain – Yoga reduces the spinal compression and works on the alignment of the body to reduce back pain.


Isometric exercises are one of the best ways to build core strength. Isometric, stemming from the words “same” and “length,” simply translates to holding one position without moving. Power yoga uses isometric exercises along with other postures that are designed to make the core and back stronger. Flexibility and balance stem from your core, so it's important to train this area of the body. In turn, you can increase the strength and health of your entire body. Generally a high-temperature room is used in this practice to help keep the muscles warm and release additional toxins from the body.

Power Yoga Effects on Body

  • It increases endurance, strength, and flexibility.
  • Mental endurance and physical stamina are tested through holding postures for extended breaths.
  • Arm and shoulder strength is increased as you use your own body weight for resistance.
  • Lats, traps, and other back muscles begin to support the spine better than before.
  • Abdominals and obliques are refined and toned through building core muscles.
  • Posture begins to correct itself over time.
  • Hip flexors are stretched and strengthened.
  • Glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves are strengthened.
