Peanut Butter - Surprising Health Benefits

Health benefits of peanut butter 

  • Peanut butter contains a fairly large amount of unsaturated fats. The consumption of a moderate amount of peanut butter regularly keeps your heart in good shape.

  • Peanut butter has high potassium content. Consumption of a moderate amount of peanut butter is useful to combat the ill effects of the harmful sodium content, which is abundant in most of the foods you eat on a daily basis. Potassium  helps in the growth and damage repair of the body muscles while aiding clotting of the blood vessels.

  • Peanut butter is also a rich source of antioxidants, magnesium and fibres (which regulate the body function) all of which make peanut butter a rare combination of taste and health.

  • Peanut Butter also contains a rich amount of protein. A serving of 2 table-spoons of peanut butter contains roughly 7 grams of protein.

  • A moderate consumption of peanut butter might also help in providing energy for a sustained period, as it contain fats and proteins from which the required calorie intake is fulfilled.

  • Consuming controlled amount of peanut butter might reduce your chances of suffering from diabetes; cutting the risks by about a whopping 30 percent.

  • Peanut butter contains a fair amount of Vitamin E. Vitamin E is very helpful in protecting your body against toxic materials. It is also helpful in preventing you against cataract and Alzheimer’s disease.  

  • For women suffering from premenstrual syndrome, intake of peanut butter helps regulate the symptoms.

  • Peanut butter also helps to keep you full for a long time as it contains sufficient amount of protein and fibre. This is also effective in initiating weight loss.

  • Peanut butter also contains trace amount of zinc that helps in the development of the body’s immune system.
